Check out our pics: Uruguay
UPDATE: Currently in Tanzania, working on getting our Africa pics uploaded and will write South Africa and Tanzania blog over next few days. Meanwhile, check out our pics from Uruguay and the rubbish below that has been sitting in 'drafts' for way too long.
OMG you guys. Sorry it's been a while since I wrote. So like right now I'm in Montevideo, Uruguay. Even though I know it's wrong, I like to stress the i in video since it drives Ingrid crazy. We have been here for five days and it's a totally great place just to chill. Folks are so friendly here. Today I got up early as usual and though my immediate thought was "COFFEE", I paused long enough to lift up Ingrid's sleeping wrist and remove last night´s chocolate wrappers, straighten my bed, and pick up Ingrid's stray dental floss on my way to the kitchen. Once I had my coffee in hand I scanned the hostel kitchen and lounge area for new arrivals and then engaged with with them long enough to establish whether they contained information I need. "Taiwan, huh!.....not on my itinerary, who's your friend?"
After chatting for a while, I headed back into our room where Ingrid was beginning to stir. I assessed laundry status then attempted to gain agreement from Ing on the day's schedule. I generally shower before she has sat up. Then I do all the important things. I established early on the "shared responsibility" technique for argument-free travel. Basically, since she habitually loses shit, I am in charge of the purse. And all the credit cards. And dealing with bill payments online, getting cards reissued after fraud, etc, etc and anything requiring a telephone call. On the other hand, she is responsible for deciding on the flavor of cheesecake we're gonna share, map reading, and is the project manager on the blog.
Anyhoo, Uruguay really is friendly. The other day we were coming back from the big Sunday flea market, (which we arrived at just as they were packing up) and happened to spot a poster saying 'Tango Show' in the window of a big modern coffee shop. It started Sunday at 5pm (in 10 minutes time) and was only three dollars entry fee, so we didn't think we had much to lose if it like, totally sucked. So we went in and sat down at a table next to the stage area. There was a group of like, elderly ladies at one table and a real old guy at another. In half an hour the show hadn't started but the place had filled. Finally the show started. A portly man began singing a tango tune accompanied by a guy on guitar. They were both real good. Then a woman got up to sing in a real passionate manner with lots of clutching and stamping and mentions of "corazon" (heart). As the number of singers increased, we gradually realized this was Tango karaoke. Then I was getting like freaked out that we would be asked to sing something. The next act was a couple dancing. They were so cute. When they had finished they came over to us and the woman said "We are not professional. We just like to dance. Sorry!" After that a woman very nervously got up and said something about "americanos", I think our presence was making everyone nervous. She started off shaky but then got into it and sang beautifully. Everyone cheered when she finished. I was like totally tearing up by this time. Then the host mentioned someone's birthday and everyone started singing the spanish version of "Happy Birthday to You". Then he gestured the microphone toward us and said "in English". Before Ingrid had time to clear her throat, I was up on my feet and belting out Happy Birthday into the microphone, cos I know that this is the one song I could get away with. You gotta act quick. I sat back at ease and ordered another beer, and smiled at Ing who was looking a little flustered. At about eight I could see things were about to end so I manoevered our quick get away. As we left, I winked at the passionate lady singer, nodded to some others, reiterated happy birthday to Laura, and gave a general wave to all. Once we were outside Ing sighs "Mabye I should have sung something" and "I wish I'd had time to say goodbye". I told her how I had left my goodbyes to everyone, and that what she needed was a little more in the panache department. Yup, that's something you can't buy. Anyway everyone at the Tango Show made us so welcome, what a great experience.
After Montevideo, we headed to Colonia and stayed a few days at this Unesco site. Very peaceful and picturesque town. Could easily have stayed longer, and should have. The peeps in Uruguay really are a friendly and laid back bunch. Then we took a ferry over to Buenos Aires which turned out to be quite stressful this time. We needed to take care of some businessy stuff that required internet access so we booked our wi-fi capapble hostel ahead, but when we arrived they had given our room away. We made do at a place nearby. But then I found a cat pee puddle in the corner of the room. I made the manager sniff my bag that had been sitting on that spot and asked for the room to be cleaned. I really should have been more specific. When we got back later that day there were new sheets on the bed and the pillows had been plumped, but the dried puddle was still there!? We spent the next day looking for better accommodation. We moved to another place which looked all plush and designery on the surface but it turned out that their wifi didn't work and the room had a mould problem. We spent the next few days attempting to do errands and looking for new accommodation with internet access in our spare time. It was not very relaxing. Try posting a box in Buenos Aires. We finally gave up. It required more energy than we had. One store for a box, another for the tape, and 30min queues at the post office, each building as far away from each other as possible...and SO many wrong directions.... Fortunately we had some highlights too. We spent a great day with a friend, Jay, from Seattle who happened to be in BA on business. And we found a great place to stay on our last night.