Where are we now?
That may be what we are asking ourselves at this very moment. Hopefully we are somewhere near the PCT trail. We will update our location on this map every few days or so. This will make things much easier, say if Sasquatch wants to meet us to share one of our Couscous 'n' Bacon Bits meals and is using our blog updates for guidance. Anyhow, check out the map below or click the link underneath to see a BIG one in splendid googlevision.

Yo, geeks! Get Google Earth and more map info.
Check out our route using Google Earth and the KMZ file below. We'll let you know what mile we're on in the blog entries.
If you don't already have it, you need to download Google Earth to view this file. Then download the Pacific Crest Trail .KMZ file
Thank you to Halfmile for the KMZ route file. Go to his website for more detailed maps and stats.
Fancy a 2-page overview map to hang on your wall? Download the Overview pdf