Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mile 15 - 29.6 Hauser Creek to near Kitchen Creek

Woke up after a solid 10-hour sleep. Don't have any systems down yet so it took us 1 3/4 hours to pack up our tent and hit the trail.

Didn't meet anyone on the trail today. Saw a gigantic bull, I mean really gigantic, passing a stud farm. Heard, but did not see, our first rattle snake.

Thought we were hiking faster than yesterday but we hiked about 2 miles an hour including breaks. Our plan to go slowly to build up muscle and avoid stress injuries is probably good, but I'm also aware that the more slowly we go the longer our motherloaded packs are bearing down on us. Hopefully we'll achieve the right balance soon. Other things were sore today, too many to mention.

Tracy in the one lighthearted moment early in the day, high on macademia nuts, suggested we have to do a little trumpet fanfare sound every time we bring out a penknife. Sounds fun. I wonder how long thus will remain amusing.

Thought we had found the perfect place to camp, down by a picturesque creek until a wind storm started up. Tent started blowing about in a flappy violent lifty way as we were trying to put it up so we decided to pack up and find a more protected spot.

List of things lost so far:
Seattle: camera bag and new battery
PCT: lip balm, thick sharpie pen with Duct tape wrapped round it, 2 tent pegs, unknown object that was once attached to my pack with a neon pink bit of string.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ing, I think you lost your whistle...