Monday, May 6, 2013

Mile 132 - 148 Three miles north of Comb's Creek to North side of Table Mountains

My ankle has been bothering me for a while but after the 6th hour of hiking yesterday it had reduced me to a pathetic shuffle. Last night my ankle was so painful I couldn't sleep. I had to take painkillers. We were both a little worried about being in the middle of nowhere and not being able to walk. It was 5 miles back to the trail Angels house, where we could possibly get a ride to civilization, get to a doctor etc. or 20 miles forward to the next small town. We went to sleep deciding the sensible thing was to walk back.

Next morning we got up late as we would only be going 5 miles. We packed up our tent and got on the trail. Tracy walked a few paces south and turned to look at me but I couldn't do it. The bagpipes whirled, Mel Gibson shouted something at me from a horse and we continued Northward limping into the face of danger.

As we had started out so late it was effing hot within the first mile or so. Tracy was losing it, threatening to quit the whole thing or perish on the spot gulping down water in a somewhat dramatic fashion. At the first water source we met a really nice older guy called Jim. We'd run into him a few times over the past several days. Tracy explained about my ankle and he gave me some Hawaiian 'noni' juice to rub on it.

We caught up to him at the next water source. He moved on but we were HOT so decided to sit out the harshest hours and wait. We fashioned a shade of sorts with the help of a bush, our ground sheet and solar umbrellas, but I realized I was beginning to heat up even more. At least while walking I was getting the occasional cool breeze.

We moved on. At dusk, we caught up with Jim again and decided to camp out under the stars, no tent. My ankle wasn't nearly as painful as the night before.
I am buying shares in Noni juice.

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