Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mile 266 - 286 Big Bear Lake Highway 18 to Holcomb creek

Dropped off at the trail head with Tortuga, Smiles and Dr Slosh by the hostel owner. Said goodbyes and exchanged hugs with Sarge when we left. It was a great stay. Smiles and Dr Slosh are so funny. They came to the trailhead with leftover bottles of beer and leftover hamburger and pancakes and picnicked on them before setting off. 
Before that we dropped some stuff off at the post office to get rid of extra weight. Goodbye comfy Teva flip flops, hello lighter 2 dollar flip flops from KMart. Au revoir lightening rod brassieres, pleased to meet you Adidas sports bra.

The day could be summed up by: 20 miles of pain. We naively thought that our three day 'rest' (so many errands, but at least we're not hiking) would result in a stronger repaired body. Nope. It was like starting again. All the old and some new foot, leg and shoulder complaints, tendinitis, and blisters. It was a hard day for me in particular. 

Terrain changed from blooming Joshua trees and desert plants to alpine trees and meadows.

Camped a half mile away from the crowd near a creek and were able to wash. As Tracy left the tent at dusk I noticed her legs were getting shapely. I told her and she answered " No, I'm just losing weight. What you're looking at now are my actual legs"
Most comfortable campsite yet. Warm, windless and bed of sand.

Sightings: snake in water in dark. Creepy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Clearly your sense of humor is still intact, if that goes will send in the rescue choppers... luvs bk