Monday, September 16, 2013

Mile 2335-2360 Sheep Lake to unnamed campsite

We had heard that cell phone coverage was available 2 miles uphill from the lake so planned to have breakfast there. We usually grab a fig newton and eat it on the way to breakfast 5-7 miles in, so today after breakfast it was psychologically hard knowing we'd only done 2 miles. Made the hiking day seem longer than usual. Some beautiful scenery and lots of blueberries, huckleberries and giant mushrooms.  Went by Chrystal Mt ski resort. We are trying to do on average 22 miles a day in this section so we arrive in Snoqualmie Pass before it rains on Sunday. Boo boos feet are really painful so we can't do more than 25 miles a day, and neither T or I care to. However the infrequency of water forced many of us to go 26 miles tiday. It also means a lot of us end up camping in the same place. There is just a small campsite next to the spring at mile 26 so six of us are cowboy camping together as there's not enough room for tents. We've left a space for Boo boo, will she make it?...

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